"I will be introducing many new Totems at the 28th Annual Art in the Garden Sculpture Exhibition.
Come out and see them in a lovely garden setting! "
The word ‘totem’ is of Native American origin, but totem-like beliefs have been historically present throughout much of the world. In Native American culture it’s a spirit guide. In writing it symbolizes the muse.
Artifacts which were buried deep in the earth for the last sixty thousand years and since recovered, reveal that making totems and talismans is an ancient human ceremonial tradition. Pre-industrial societies harnessed their collective energy through their art and rituals.
Totems can be seen as protectors of inner and outer space and energies. They mark the perimeters, they define the edges. They are the sentinels of realms known and unknown.
The making of totems that evoke or contain special power, either in the spiritual or physical world is an ancient ritual of humankind.
Jordy's totems and totemic sculptures don't attempt to replicate those ancient images.
Rather, they are a modern interpretation that gives voice to the inner creativity of the artist, in ways that echo or mirror this ancient tradition of human expression.
Saw Whet Owl Totem
5' tall
Tinka Jordy
Blue Bird Totem 5ft
Tinka Jordy
Cardinal Totem - 60"
Tinka Jordy
Crows on Post
Tinka Jordy
Please mention the piece you're interested in.
Appointments to visit the sculpture garden are available upon request.
Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278, United States
Copyright © 1993 - 2024
All Rights Reserved.
Tinka Jordy
Hillsborough, North Carolina